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European Labour Authority


  • Role: The European Labour Authority helps improve cooperation between EU countries, coordinates joint inspections, carries out analyses and risk assessments on cross-border labour mobility  issues and mediates disputes between EU countries
  • Executive Director: Cosmin Boiangiu
  • Established in: 2019
  • Number of staff: 144 by 2024
  • Website: ELA

What does it do?

The ELA promotes agile and efficient work, which helps finding solutions to the challenges faced in the areas covered by the Regulation. The ELA:

  • helps ensure that EU rules on labour mobility and social security coordination are enforced in a fair, simple and effective way
  • makes it easier for individuals and businesses to reap the benefits of the single market
  • helps national authorities cooperate so that the rules are enforced effectively.

The ELA was established on 31 July 2019. It is expected to be fully operational by 2024.

Who benefits?

  • Individuals
  • Businesses
  • European, regional & national organisations



European Labour Authority

European Labour Authority
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